
PrismaticJoint QML Type

A prismatic joint More...

Import Statement: import Bacon2D 1.0




Detailed Description

This joint provides one degree of freedom: translation along an axis fixed in bodyA. Relative rotation is prevented. You can use a joint limit to restrict the range of motion and a joint motor to drive the motion or to model joint friction.

Property Documentation

enableLimit : bool

This property holds a flag to enable joint limits.

enableMotor : bool

This property holds a flag to enable the joint motor.

localAnchorA : QPointF

This property holds the local anchor point relative to bodyA's origin

localAnchorB : QPointF

This property holds the local anchor point relative to bodyB's origin

localAxisA : QPointF

This property holds the local anchor point relative to bodyB's origin

lowerTranslation : float

maxMotorTorque : float

This property holds The maximum motor torque used to achieve the desired motor speed.

motorSpeed : float

This property holds the desired motor speed. Usually in radians per second.

referenceAngle : float

This property holds the bodyB angle minus bodyA angle in the reference state (radians).

upperTranslation : float

Method Documentation

float getJointSpeed() const

Get the current joint translation speed, usually in meters per second.

float getJointTranslation() const

Get the current joint translation, usually in meters.