
RevoluteJoint QML Type

Revolute Joint More...

Import Statement: import Bacon2D 1.0




Detailed Description

A revolute joint constrains two bodies to share a common point while they are free to rotate about the point. The relative rotation about the shared point is the joint angle. You can limit the relative rotation with a joint limit that specifies a lower and upper angle. You can use a motor to drive the relative rotation about the shared point. A maximum motor torque is provided so that infinite forces are not generated.

Property Documentation

enableLimit : bool

This property holds a flag to enable joint limits.

enableMotor : bool

This property holds a flag to enable the joint motor.

localAnchorA : QPointF

This property holds the local anchor point relative to bodyA's origin

localAnchorB : QPointF

This property holds the local anchor point relative to bodyB's origin

lowerAngle : float

This property holds the lower angle for the joint limit (radians)/

maxMotorTorque : float

This property holds the maximum motor torque used to achieve the desired motor speed.

motorSpeed : float

This property holds the desired motor speed. Usually in radians per second.

referenceAngle : float

This property holds the bodyB angle minus bodyA angle in the reference state (radians).

upperAngle : float

This property holds the upper angle for the joint limit (radians).

Method Documentation

float getJointAngle() const

Get the current joint angle in radians.

float getJointSpeed() const

Get the current joint angle speed in radians per second.